News & Views Vol 6, Issue 3 Aug/Sept 2015

Get Real!

Someone recently asked me what the term Theology means and whether it’s the same thing as Metaphysics. I took a deep breath and manfully did my best.

The first part of the question is the easier. Theology comes from the Greek word for God – Theos – and can be understood as ‘God-Talk’ – or ‘discourse’; intellectual reflection on the nature of God and man’s relationship to him, particularly from the Christian point of view. It includes subdivisions such as ‘Eschatology’ (concerned with the end of the world and the hereafter), ‘Natural Theology’ (asking what we can know about God etc. if we just rely on human reason), ‘Moral Theology’ concerning human conduct, ‘Dogmatic Theology’ (based on the authority of Scripture and other revealed sources) and so on. Theology as a discipline used to be called ‘Divinity’ and was so central to the business of knowledge in Mediaeval times that at Oxford and Cambridge it was, as an academic subject, spoken of as ‘ The Queen of Sciences’.

Metaphysics is one of the branches of philosophy and can be said to deal with ‘the first principles of nature and thought’ and of being itself (Ontology). Where ordinary physics is concerned with the material, metaphysics (meta is ‘beyond’) in a sense goes further in that it is concerned with the non-material, the fundamental in an abstract way. In ordinary speech, I have heard someone dismiss a statement by saying, impatiently, ‘that’s just metaphysics’ – by which they mean that what is being said is so abstract, so ‘airy-fairy’ that it’s completely divorced from the ‘real world’. By ‘real’ they mean solid – but what is truly real – the material world or a deeper, hidden reality which ‘props it up’? This is, in fact, at the very heart of these questions!

Thus, although Theology and Metaphysics are distinct disciplines, in a sense, they are also connected. Many issues in Theology might prove to be metaphysical questions, and so on. Interestingly, as far as physical science goes, what is called the ‘New Physics’ indicates that the building-blocks of matter are not themselves ‘solid’ or even really ‘things’ in the ordinary sense at all. They now seem to belong more to the realm of metaphysics than to the old, familiar world of Newton’s science that we learnt about at school. Phew!

A cartoon in a Victorian edition of Punch magazine had a Scots lady asking her husband,

“What’s ‘Metapheesics’ Mactavish?” Her dour husband looks up from his newspaper and replies, “Weel….. when the party what listens disna ken what the party what’s speakin’ means and when the party what’s speakin’ disna ken what he’s blethering aboot himself, that’s Metapheesics!”

That’s the best I can do – if you want to know more about Metaphysics, you’d better ask someone who knows what he’s talking about.

Yours in a world of his own,

Richard Benson,



BIGGHARTSThe 3rd June saw us compete in the Kwik Cricket competition at Clifton Cricket Club ground. The following pupils represented BIGGHARTS, Tom Wager, George Wigham, Amy Freeman, Josh & Sam Wright, Jacob Blackwell, Nikita Hind, Oliver McCurrach, Courtney Slack. Their performance was outstanding winning all their games and coming 2nd overall out of 12 schools.

Next, on 11th June the following pupils took part in an athletics competition called Quad Kids- Tom Wager, George Wigham, Amy Freeman, Josh & Sam Wright, Jacob Blackwell, Nikita Hind, Oliver McCurrach, Courtney Slack. There were some excellent personal best performances.

The annual “Mini-Olympics” took place at QEGS on 23rd June in glorious sunshine. The Year 1 and 2 pupils worked hard and had a wonderful time-Evie Allen, Niamh Mellor, Isaac Blackwell, Caelen McKone, Erynn Wilton, Edie Wager, Jack Leslie, Daisy Lownes, Finley Harland, Sophie Leslie, Archie Pearson, Ebony Lea, Harvey Smith, and Ruby Currington.

The “3 Dales Athletics” took place at Biggin School and all the children from both schools participated.




Calendar Dates-

AUGUST 8th – Oddfellows Disco – Village Hall

5/6th –YHA Open Days
7-11th Wells Dressings –Bakehouse
7th HYPAC AGM -School
9th Church Service-6.30pm to commemorate Queen Elizabeth 11  longest reigning monarch
9th    Parish Council   Bakehouse – 8pm
12th –Oddfellows March
13th   Wakes and Sports- Highfields, Hartington
23rd –History Group meeting -6pm Bakehouse
25th –MacMillan Coffee Morning 10am and Community Lunch- Hartington School
26th Neighbourhood Plan briefing for the whole Community- Village Hall- 10am


1st Parochial Church Council Meeting 6pm- Home of Mrs Kerr
4th –Harvest Supper-Village Hall
7th Parish Council –  Bakehouse   7.30pm
8th Hartington Community Group  meeting -6pm Bakehouse                 



Parish Council “Round-up” July 2015- To remind you our minutes are published on the notice board by the War Memorial and on our website However here is a summary of a few matters of general interest. Firstly we have received numerous complaints about parking on the brow of the hill by the Youth Hostel. We totally agree this is potentially dangerous and are arranging an on-site meeting with the police, DCC Highways and the YHA to try and find a solution. This appears to be the season for litter with bins overflowing on the Village Green in particular. We have tried in vain with DDDC to increase capacity. Bins are emptied just once weekly (Wednesday or Thursday) and we have now requested to move this to a Monday to deal with weekend litter. We await a response. The threat of DDDC closing the Public Conveniences by the Rook has receded although on occasions, with missed cleaning days, they are not up to standard. They are meant to be cleaned every two days. The Developer of the Dairy Crest site has registered an Appeal against the Planning Committee rejecting his last scheme for 26 houses. He has requested it be heard by written representations to the Planning Inspectorate. The Peak Park Authority agrees with us, that with so much public interest, this needs a full Inquiry and we have both written to the Inspectorate to record this view. We await to hear their decision. In the meantime we have completed a detailed financial appraisal that shows a development of 14 houses including 4 affordable is perfectly viable. This will be a key part of our evidence to any Inquiry. We had an informal meeting with Sarah Fowler the new Chief Executive of the Peak Park. We walked around the village and showed her the disused factory site. She is determined they will fight the Appeal robustly and she seems open and proactive to ideas. Sarah gave every impression of understanding and supporting rural communities like Hartington.

As we have published in our minutes, no street trading is allowed in Hartington without a license from DDDC which is just £50 a year admin fee. The Parish Council supports the Fish and Chip Van on Fridays as long as litter bins are provided. DDDC still have to take a decision on Ice Cream vans. Our priority is to support services that our residents want, but to protect village shops, cafes and businesses who, after all have to pay rent and rates.

There have been concerns about the speed of Ambulance and Response services to Hartington and surrounding areas. We have contacted and are meeting Health Authorities to see if the situation can be improved. 

L’Eroica appeared to have been a great success and we are happy for the village greens to be used if our local businesses are supporting and benefiting from the event. We await their committee meeting to hear their views and decide on future events. Remember there is a public speaking section at every council meeting if you have items you would like to draw to our attention.   David Annat- Chair Parish Council

Linzi  Riley (nee Parsons)- Took part in the “Way of the Roses” cycle ride over 3 days- 8-10 May, where she raised £8600 for Lymphatic Cancer. An amazing feat- many congratulations

Oddfellows Disco-8/8/15 The Oddfellows ‘Almost World Famous’ 60’s 70’s fancy dress disco will be taking place at Hartington Village Hall on the 8th August 2015. The fun starts from 8 till late. There is a licensed bar & a raffle too. So dig out your winkle pickers & platforms and come dance the night away.
Tickets are £5-available from Hartington British Legion, Hartington shops & entry on the door.

Mick Parsons.

Sculpture Open Exhibition 29 to 31 August – Hartington Sculpture Group will be holding an open exhibition in their studio behind the Rook Café. It will be open daily 10am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday and there will be over 50 stone and wood carvings on display.

Hartington Neighbourhood Plan – Our Neighbourhood Plan is moving forward. Following our designation by the Peak Park Authority in 2013 and the Village Hall Meeting attended by some 40 people on 18th July 2014, we formed a committee to work with the Parish Council in developing the Plan. This committee of David Annat, Jane Bassett, Janet & Andy Bray, Liz Broomhead, Sue Bruce, Chris Dullage and Richard Gregory have now met twice and drawn up the double sided leaflet that is attached to this edition of News and Views. We still need more people to join our group so if you are interested please let any members know – there will be lots to do as the Plan progresses.

The next milestone will be a second Public meeting in the Village Hall at 10am on Saturday 26 September when we will explain more about the Plan and hopefully hear ideas from a wide selection of our community. All is explained in the leaflet.

MacMillan Coffee morning- 25/9/15- for the 2nd year this will be organised by Mrs Bel Kerr again with Hartington C of E Primary School on this date -Please come and support- look out for posters which will give more information.

Hartington History Group Digital Archive  Project- During the last few months this group has been meeting regularly to progress this project and ensure that we are able to, not only categorise and store all the photographs and memorabilia we have in the Bakehouse, -BUT – also get this saved digitally, categorise and linked to a wider source of information on the amazing history of this village. Leon Goodwin of Grove Cottage is patiently helping many of the “village computer dinosaurs” (of which I am definitely the leading dinosaur) to understand how to do this, and the value of Wikipedia and what secrets it has to explore. We are having a break during August but will continue to do our homework. Would you like to be involved? Do you have some pictures stories about Hartington which you would like to share? If so please contact Liz Broomhead 01298 687263 or email  We hope to have our next meeting 23rd September- Bakehouse- 6- 7.30pm.- you are very  welcome to have a look at what we have and bring along any photographs or stories you have

Village Hall- Wi-Fi connection- We are delighted to say that this will be established in the next few weeks- great news for current and future users.

Eroica Britannia– Once again this year Hartington welcomed the riders and spectators of Eroica Britannia and once again a wonderful time was had by all. It may be have been a little cooler this year than last, but that didn’t stop over 2400 hardy riders from making their way through the Peak District to their food stop in the village. The Warslow Silver Band and the Ripley Green Garters were in fine form ensuring that the there was a warm welcome for all, and although the food queue snaked around the duck pond for a little while, it gave everyone the chance to enjoy the spectacle of the riders and their bikes as they filled Hartington.

The businesses involved in organising the event would like to say a big thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this such a success, we would especially like to thank Alan, Jill and the Scouts for their invaluable help, those who volunteered to make sandwiches and to fetch and carry on the day and also to the residents of Hartington for their patience and participation.

St Giles Church Flower festival- Thank you to all the people who worked and helped with the recent 2015 Flower Festival, as always it was very much appreciated. We had some lovely comments in the Visitors Book and frequent feedback from Stewards about our visitors saying how much they were enjoying/ being moved by some of the displays. There were 3 negative comments which were brought to my attention and they will be addressed in due course, at the appropriate meeting. It is important to get things right for next year, which I am led to believe will be the 40th St Giles Flower Festival, surely that is something worth celebrating and give thanks for too? After all costs have been accounted for a clear profit of £971-00p remains. For such a special year of flower festival we would like to have an initial meeting with the Hartington Community Group October meeting which will look at the special events in 2016.

Hartington Community Group Meeting-October 8th –Bakehouse- 6pm- All the groups representative are asked to attend as we look at the important events during the next 12 months. The 3 focus agenda items will be- 1. Christmas tree Festival 2015. 2. 40th St Giles Flower Festival 2016 3. Hartington C of E Primary School 175th Anniversary July 2016. Please look out for notices nearer the time. Liz Broomhead

Hartington C of E Primary School- The last few weeks have been action packed and we are grateful to all the partners and friends of the school for their support and input. The whole school were involved in the residential sessions at Lea Green and as always represented the school brilliantly and had a wonderful time. On July 5th as well as Community lunch with a special “Bingo session “ led by Margaret Partridge- we played host to a school from Sheffield- Lowfield Primary School- many of the children who lived in an inner city area attend a mosque- they were very interested to visit our Church and follow the Village trail. A return visit is planned for the Autumn Term so our children can experience life in an inner city and visit a mosque.

PCSO Hayley Grundy and PCSO Ian Phipps from the Bakewell and Tideswell Safer Neighbourhood Team met with youngsters from Hartington C of E Primary School to talk all things road safety. During the visit on Friday, July 10, the policing team spoke to the class of 5 to 11-years-olds about staying safe when out and about, including how to safely cross the road and listening out for traffic. PCSO Hayley Grundy said: “School visits such as this are a fantastic way to introduce ourselves to the children, along with talking to them about issues that really matter.
“The group seemed to have an enjoyable time and really engaged with the road safety activities. It was also fantastic to hear from a local resident about how blind or partially sighted people cross the road.”
Head Teacher, Tracy Blackwell added: “The lesson with local officers was so informative for both staff and the children. They learnt about how to make sure they cross the road safely including looking both ways before stepping out into the road and listening carefully for traffic. “A member of our local community spotted us in the village and came out to explain more about how partially sighted and blind people cross the road using different aids. It was a really great and interactive lesson.”

On July 19th we combined with HYPAC for the PTFA Car Treasure Hunt and BBQ, the stalls, bouncy Castle and other attractions kept the attendees well entertained; a n approximate total of £400 was raised. Well done to everyone involved and all the parents and staff that helped make it such a good day.

Finally the whole school, after many weeks of practice under the watchful eye of Bema from the African Arts Project based in Nottingham, presented their production on Wednesday 22nd July in the afternoon. The capacity audience of parents, governors, Community lunch members and friends of the school were enthralled by the colourful and exciting performance which demonstrated the amazing skills and talents of every child.

Sadly dog fouling has been found over the last few weeks, under the hedge in the Children’s playground area. Please ensure that dogs do not come onto the premises as this waste is a danger to children. To try to prevent access some wire netting will be placed under the gate which is always closed

HYPAC- What a year this has been, we now are at full capacity of 30 children aged between 8-13years, The leaders- all young people who have come through the HYPAC programme are the backbone of the Club- Todd Cloake, Annabel Coles and Luke Smith have led every session providing a quality experience for the young people as well as supporting the external tutors who have delivered a range of different and exciting activities. The new level 1 leaders provide excellent support to the leaders and next year hope to move onto the Level 2 award- Bethany Ball, Amy Broadley, Ben Broadley and Olivia Williams. The highlight of the years activities have been the inclusive programme which was instigated by Todd- this included Boccia with Special Olympian – Beth Foster from Ashbourne; Wheel Chair Basketball and seated Volleyball held at Ashbourne Leisure Centre. The year would not be complete without our annual BBQ ,for the second year we are combining with Hartington School PTFA- the Car Treasure Hunt and BBQ in the school yard and field next door(by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Coombes) This was held on Sunday 19th July; the sun shone and there was a good attendance

British Legion Bed Push- raising funds for “Help the Heroes”- This was held on 5th July, leaving Warslow at 12 noon . They arrived in Hartington having raised £210 in the buckets and then there were stalls and Hot Dogs on the green. The British Legion Ladies Committee and British Legion members were responsible for this wonderful fund raising activity- the total raised approx £1200

Queen Elizabeth 11 on 9/9/15- Will become the longest reigning monarch. The village will celebrate this occasion with a service in St Giles Church at 6.30pm.

Harvest Festival –Gift boxes and Harvest Supper- This annual event will be on Sunday October 4th– the service at 6pm followed by Supper in the Village Hall. Please look out for posters and information nearer the time.

Scouts Summer Programme- In August they will be at the “International Jamboree” which this year is held at Chatsworth. The 4 leaders and 3 Scouts will provide a full report ready for the next edition. In September the full group of 12 and 4 leaders will be in Grantham for the PGL weekend- where they will be involved in the following activities- Kayaking, Raft Building, Fencing, Jacob’s Ladder, Zip Wire, Aero Ball. The group will be back in action with meetings on Thursday evenings 6.3—8pm new members welcome.                       Jill Dronfield


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Biggin WI- For our June meeting nine members and a Blue Badge Guide had a walk around Winster on a warm summer evening. It was most interesting, but very steep so a drink was most welcome at the Miners Standard afterwards. There were fourteen members present at our July meeting; the speaker was Sheila Conchie; her talk “Why I Sew” was about embroidery over many years till the present day. Mary, our president, read a report from Harpur Hill WI, as one of their members had been to the WI Centenary Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall. For our Centenary Celebration it was decided that all members would go to Willersley Castle- Cromford for Afternoon Tea in August. We are still looking into joining the Fun- Day at the Waterloo. Our September 14th meeting will host Roger Hoskins who will give a talk “Happy Hens”. Visitors are always welcome as are new members.

Kay Clayton.

Charlotte Coles- Has now qualified as a registered veterinary nurse (RVN).  She completed her training in January 2015, and sat her last exams on the 7th February. The results were received on 13th March and her graduation was on 1st July. The whole family travelled to The Royal College of Veterinary Nursing at Belgravia House in London to see her graduate. Charlotte works at Blenheim Veterinary Surgery Ashbourne a great achievement- Well Done!


Macmillan Coffee Morning– Once again, this event will be held at Corner House, home to Mr and Mrs Brindley, on Friday September 25th between 11am and 2pm. Please come along and support this excellent cause.                                 Jen Brindley.

Sunday 16th August 2015 – Car Boot and Table Top Sale 10.00 am until 2.00 pm at Biggin Village Hall. Free Entry and Refreshments available.

Contact 07989 195858 to book a car boot/table top. All proceeds go towards the running of Biggin Village Hall.




Church News-Our flower festival is almost upon us and we have had to change the theme. It is now “TV Programmes”. It will be starting on Friday August 28th until Monday 31st 10am until 5.30pm. Refreshments will be available throughout the day; there will also be a Tombola, Sales table and Raffle. Any help with serving refreshments, manning a stall or stewarding would be much appreciated.

Mary Wheeldon is now back home after quite a few months in hospital. She wishes to thank everyone for their visits, good wishes and prayers during this time. She hopes it won’t be long before she is mobile again.

We’d also like to express our thanks to Mr Paul Haywood and his team for mowing the church yard. Thank you all.

The funeral of Mr Austin Brody took place on Friday July 10th at St. John’s church Buxton followed by burial at Earl Sterndale Church. He had lived for many years in the village with his family before moving to Buxton. Kathryn Mellor


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Alstonefield and District Friendship Club

On 12th August everyone is welcome to join us for a return visit to the Moorlands at Owler Bar, with a beautiful drive there before enjoying a carvery lunch (small £4.09, large £4.59 – please let us know which you would like).  We shall then go on to Castleton and have some time to wander round, looking at the lovely buildings and/or shopping.  The coach will cost £6, as usual and we can pick up from several villages. 

On 26th August, we meet at 6.30pm in Alstonefield village hall for the usual delicious sandwiches and cake. Trevor Wragg will be entertaining us by talking about dry stone walling – and if anyone knows more about the subject we have yet to meet them!  Again, anyone is welcome to join us, and if you need transport we will almost certainly be able to arrange it. 

On 9th September we will have another carvery lunch at The Ash Bank (small £3.79, large £4.29 – again, which would you like?), before going on to the delightful Ford Green Hall (admission £2).

Our Harvest Supper is on 23rd September – the usual meat and potato pie supper followed by sale of the produce we have brought.

To book your place on the coach for an outing, or transport to a meeting, or to attend the Harvest Supper (we need to have numbers for catering), or for more information, please ring Lorraine on 01335 310353 or Ann on 01298 84394.

Chris Smith

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Services for Sundays and other Major Festivals

Date Biggin Earl Sterndale Hartington Readings

2nd August


9th after Trinity

11.15 am

Holy Communion

11.15 am

Holy Communion

8.00 am

Holy Communion (1662)

2nd Samuel  11: 26 – 12 : 13a

John 6 : 24 – 35

9th August


10th after Trinity





10.00 am

Holy Communion

1st Kings 19 : 4 – 8

John 6 : 35 and 41 – 51

16th August


11th after Trinity

11.15 am

Morning Worship

10.00 am

Family Communion

10.00 am

Family Service

1st Kings 2 : 10 – 12 and

 3 : 3 – 14

John 6 : 51 – 58

23rd August


12th after Trinity





10.00 am

Holy Communion

Ephesians 6 : 10 – 20

John 6 : 56 – 59

30th August


13th after Trinity



James 1 : 17 – 27

Mark 7 : 1 – 8 and 14 – 15 and 21 – 23

6th September


14th after Trinity

11.15 am

Holy Communion

11.15 am

Holy Communion

8.00 am

Holy Communion


James 2 : 1 – 10, 14 – 17

Mark 7 : 24 – 37

13th September


15th after Trinity





10.00 am

Holy Communion

Isaiah 50 : 4 – 9a

Mark 8 : 27 – 38

20th September


16th after Trinity

11.15 am

Morning Worship

11.15 am

Holy Communion

10.00 am

Family Service

Jeremiah 11 : 18 – 20

Mark 9 : 30 – 37

27th September


17th after Trinity





10.00 am

Holy Communion

Numbers : 4 – 6,

10 – 16, 24 – 29

Mark 9 : 38 – 50


White Peak Group Registers


17th May                                                              Alfred Woolley                                                                  Monyash



30th May                                                              Jonathan Race & Jennifer Millican                             Chelmorton

27th June                                                              Andrew Woolley & Kathryn Thomas                         Monyash

11th July                                                                Andrew Farmer & Sarah Walker                                 Hartington


11th June                                                              Beryl Naylor                                                                       Monyash

18th June                                                              Isabella Drabble                                                                Taddington

3rd July                                                                  Joyce Belfield                                                                     Monyash

10th July                                                                Austin Broady                                                                    Buxton & Earl Sterndale

17th July                                                                Eileen Slater                                                                       Monyash                              

Interment of Ashes:

6th June                                                                Steven Mycock                                                                  Taddington








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We would like to thank the following who have sponsored the 2015 issues:

Charles Cotton Hotel        

Devonshire Arms

Cheese Shop

Dauphin Antiques

L & R Gregory, Bridge End, Farm        

Anna & Laura Heeley, Emma Doak (Village Stores Hartington)






Waterloo Inn, Biggin

The Rook

Biggin Hall Country Hotel

Beresford Tea Rooms

Hartdale Motors Ltd

A&S.PEACH Newsagent & General Store

“Curtain Call” Drama Group, Hartington.








We also wish to thank Hartington Hall YHA who allow the photocopying of the News and Views to be done on their premises free of charge

PLEASE EMAIL, WHERE POSSIBLE, ITEMS FOR THE NEXT ISSUE BY Sept 15th to or give to Margaret Partridge or Liz Broomhead.