News & Views - May 1982 - Issue 28
Blessed are the parents who just never say
“Don’t ask such questions, you’ll find out some day,” Blessed are the teachers who, apart from being nice, Will sit down beside you-to explain more than twice. Blessed is gran who, when there’s just her and me-, Gets out the cakes and TWO SUGARS IN TEA!
Blessed are the adults who remember being young and quite understand that loud discos are fun. Blessed are the priests who, with their youth leaders, explain that the Church does even NOW need us. Blessed is the man we nailed to the tree
Who said, “Suffer children to come .unto me”.
Glenn Sewell
On the 19th June, in Derby Cathedral, I am to be admitted and licensed as a Reader, it seems impossible that it is now two years since I arrived at the Convent of St, Laurence, Belper, with great apprehension, for the first seminar of the ‘training programme, I was nervous and uncertain of my ability to absorb all the subject matter which I knew would form a large part of the course. In addition to the study, I knew there would be practical work and that the Vicar would be asked to give me as much experience as possible by participation in the services at Hartington and Biggin. Some months earlier I had been interviewed by the Marden, the Rev. A.T.Redman, and by the Rev. C.A.Sayer, and had been accepted as a candidate; now, on Saturday, 4th September 1980, I was about to meet my fellow students and make a beginning. It was an exciting day and I came Rome inspired by the prospect of two years of study and development, which I knew would stretch me to my limits but which I felt sure Would give me a good and .sound foundation.
The work has been hard and as the study had to be done whilst I was doing a full-time job and looking after my husband and home, I was often working until after midnight on the essays which are an essential part of the course and must be completed. I have learnt a great deal- and discovered how much more there is to learn. My faith has been deepened and strengthened immeasurably and I have been given a new perspective on many matters by discussion with my colleagues who represent every shade of churchmanship from the highest Anglo-Catholic to the most evangelical protestant. There have been wonderful opportunities for fellowship
and we have discussed everything from spiritual healing to meditation or from gospel choruses to plainsong. We meet in groups between seminars, with an adviser, and this is a most successful part of the training.
Each seminar begins with a celebration of Holy Communion in the Convent chapel (occasionally 1662 but mostly ASB) and ends with Evensong which second year students conduct. In February it was my turn to preach. This was perhaps the hardest thing of all to preach to one’s colleagues in front of one’s instructors and examiners. In my case these were the Ven, G.R. Phizackerley, the Rev. C.A. Sayer and the Rev. Peter Wood. My threat was dry and my knees were jelly and my notes seemed totally inadequate, but one of my colleagues said, “don’t worry, when you get out there ’He ’ will take over” and surely, He did. The material of the course consists of one year’s study on the Old Testament and one on the New. In addition, there have been sessions on church structure, prayer, the role of the Reader, visiting the sick, creation and the Christian Faith, and many other relevant topics.
I have been very fortunate in the help I have had from the Vicar, who has given me every opportunity to take part in the services. In addition to this I have always felt the strong support of the congregations of both churches and I am grateful for the kindness which has been shown me.
Unfortunately, our plans to move to Hartington last summer had to be postponed owing to the special treatment my husband is undergoing at Southend Hospital. In the meantime, I shall be here at least part-time and I hope that I shall be able to play a useful part in the work of the parishes.
“Holm Lea”, Dig Street,
(The Admission Service will commence at 11.30 a.m.- not 11 a.m.) CHURCH OF ENGLAND CHILDREN’S SOCIETY
I would like to thank everyone who helped with the distribution and collection of envelopes for “Family Week” and all who gave so generously; the sum collected was £61.00. The money from boxholders this year came to £67.88 and I have had a letter of thanks from the Director, Gerald Evans, which I shall hang in Hartington Church porch. Thank you all again. Valerie Shipley
Whilst Bob Woodroffe and I were in Israel at the end of March, I decided to swim in the Dead Sea After coming, out and enjoying a fresh water shower, I put on a pair of shorts instead of trousers. On the way back to Jerusalem, the party called at Bethany, in order to visit the Tomb of Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, whom Jesus brought to life after he had been dead four days. Pilgrims arriving at sacred .sites sometimes find notices instructing them to be “modestly dressed”, but not so here. However, the custodian led the way down the ancient steep stone steps into the tomb, whilst -, as leader, brought up the rear. As I arrived at the bottom of the steps, the custodian must have been shocked by the sight. of a pair of white legs, for he exclaimed, “Father, you haven’t got your trousers on!”.
Paul Riley of the Square, Hall Bank, Hartington has had the honour of representing his county at Under 15 level. In the semi-final of the Northern Counties competition, Derbyshire beat Humberside 2-1 at Scunthorpe, but in the final at Saltergate, Chesterfield on May 5th, the Merseyside squad won 1-0,
Stephen Sutton of Parsons Farm, Hartington deputised for Peter Shilton in goal when Nottingham Forest played Liverpool at Anfield, Liverpool on May 1st. Those who were able to stay up late and watch “Match of the Day” on BBC 1 tell us that he played well in spite of conceding a couple of goals.
Biggin Rovers continued their good run and came out clear champions of B. Division in the Hope Valley League, thus gaining promotion, along with Bakewell Athletic, to A Division. They also won the Hall Cup by beating Stoney Middleton 4-3 in an exciting final at the Silver lands ground at Buxton. Both trophies were presented to the team after the match. The Vicar watched the game from the Biggin Rovers dugout alongside John Bainbridge, team coach and our local postman.
Youth is often blamed for thinking the world only begins with it; but age is even more convinced the world will end with it. Friedrich Hebbel
( A song taught me by ‘Aunty’ Dora Oliver when I was three)
How can a guinea pig show it’s pleased?
If it hasn’t got a tail to wag?
All other animals you will find, have got a little tail stuck on behind. Why not put a tail, on a guinea pig, and finish off a decent job?
Then the price of a guinea pig
Would go right up from a guinea to thirty bob. .
Lucy Ann Jackson (aged 7) IN THE COUNTRY
Radio Derby’s programme “In the Country” is described as “a look at the rural scene in Derbyshire, reflecting farming interests, village life and country pursuits”. Noel Vincent is now responsible for the programme, as producer and presenter, and recently visited our area. His first call was at the Woodscroft Museum of Rural Life, where he interviewed Mr. George Stubbs. The Museum now houses over 1000 items and through 3 Open Days has helped to raise £290,00 for Biggin Church Funds. Noel then went on to make recordings with the Vicar in Hartington Churchyard and Church. These were in connection with the publication of a new Penguin reference work, The Good Churches Guide (£3.50), a tourist catalogue of services, history and architecture of 450 Anglican churches in England. St. Giles’ Hartington has the honour of being one of only two local churches included in the guide, the other being St. Mary the Virgin at Wirksworth. The interviews were broadcast on May 22nd and repeated at 12.03 p.m., on May 24th.
Donations, received by St. Thomas’ Church, Biggin in memory of the late Albert Wright amounted to £65.00.
Another death which has taken place is that of ’young’ Tim Ray, a regular visitor with his little fair at Wakes’ time. He was 74 years of age and after a service in Crich Parish Church, he was buried in the local cemetery.
In connection with the Parwich Hospital Appeal, a care centre for the elderly, a Village Market will be held in Hartington on July 11th at 2 p.m.
The Hartington School Antique Fair raised over £300.00 for school funds.
The Department of Education and Science is seeking detailed information on accommodation requirements in schools over the next five years. In view of declining, school rolls, Derbyshire Education Committee feels it must reduce its surplus capacity in primary schools by 10,000 places between now and 1986, since government funds for education will be in line with this provision. Partly due to the headship vacancy at Biggin School, the review of small schools, as it affects. Biggin and Hartington has been hastened.
When the Working Party set up by the Derbyshire Education Committee visited Hartington and Biggin on May 18th to meet school governors and parents, I put forward the following view:- That the educational interests of the children of Biggin and Hartington would be best served by retaining both schools and that any supposed benefits to the children of merging the two schools would be minimal and marginal and insufficient to justify the closure of one of the schools. The Principal Assist–ant Director of Education,
Mr. John- Braithwaite had suggested
that larger schools could offer a wider curriculum and greater stimulation to children. The respective governors, and parents
also put forward their views and comments We must now await news of any possible action proposed by the education authority.
In the meanwhile, may I suggest that we keep the issue
thoughtfully and prayerfully before us, since we all want what is best for the children of our communities. In church on Whit—
-Sunday, 30th May, We shall be offering a collect (or special, prayer) which reminds us of the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, who came upon the disciples of Jesus on the Pay of Pentecost. The prayer goes on to ask, “grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things….” This is a prayer that we can use far ourselves and for all who are involved in decision-making. We can take encouragement too from the belief that the guidance of the Holy Spirit is not limited or restricted to individual Christians or Church Councils. No individual or group has a monopoly of truth or light and God the Holy Spirit can influence believers and unbelievers, Christian and secular bodies alike. Theologians have long talked about what they term, “the extra-ecclesiastical ministries of the Holy Spirit”. “Give us a right judgement in all things” is a prayer that can be used in connection with any complex issue or problem, be it personal, international or somewhere in between. It can be relevant to the Falkland crisis and the future of our community life.
The Induction of the Rev. Alfred Hewitt by the Archdeacon of Derby took place in St. Giles. Church, Hartington on Wednesday, 11th May 1972. To mark the occasion the parishioners organised an evening’s entertainment in the Drill Hall, to quote a local newspaper report. The proceedings commenced at 7.30 p.m., when an elaborate tea was provided and daintily served by the ladies. The room was filled to its utmost capacity, amongst those present being the Rev. A. Hewitt and Mrs Hewitt, the Rev. R. Ellis (Vicar of Biggin), Major-General Borrett and Mrs Borrett of Hartington Hall, Dr. Twigge, Mr and Mrs E. Prime, Mr Prime junr.
After tea Mr T.J.Brindley, people’s warden, introduced the Vicar, who delivered a very inspiring address- and particularly appealed to the young men and women of the village to join the choir, the Bible Class and various social functions which he intends to inaugurate, and in which he hoped to have the cooperation of the parishioners generally. He made it particularly clear to his hearers that his main object would be to do all he possibly could to work in harmony with his parishioners, and that if he at any time said or did anything that caused offence, he hoped that they would tell him about it at once so that it could be put right. It would be far better than talking it over amongst themselves and thus leading to further trouble and unhappiness. He said they had a splendid old church and church schools, and he hoped they would all do their utmost to prevent the schools from becoming separated from the church.
The Rev, R. Ellis, Vicar of Biggin, who has been conducting the services at Hartington since Mr. Taylor’s departure, gave a hearty welcome to the new Vicar, and expressed the hope that all would work together in harmony. He thanked Mr. Brindley and Mr. J.P.Mellor, the two churchwardens, for all their kind assistance to him while doing duty in Hartington. Mr. Brindley then sprang a surprise on Mr.; Ellis by presenting him with a very handsome writing pad, embossed with Kir, Ellis’ monogram as a mark of appreciation and willingness in undertaking the arduous duties imposed upon him. After further speeches and a presentation to Mr. Brindley, the “deck” was cleared and a sketch entitled, “Gooseberry Court” was given in a very able manner by Mrs J.W.Bassett, Mrs J.Brindley, junr., and Miss Jennie Gould. On the following day the children were entertained to tea,
(Mr. Hewitt died in January 1949; Mrs. Hewitt now lives at The Leys, Ashbourne. )
At the Presentation to Mr. C.S. Truman, which took place on Friday, 2nd April, Mrs. H.Mirtle paid tribute to .all the work which he had done for Biggin School during the past four years. In particular he had encouraged the children in music, especially by taking guitar and recorder groups. The children had also thoroughly enjoyed the Youth Hostelling weekends which ‘Mr. Truman had organised and led. The previous weekend 16 children had been with him, Mr. Page, Mrs Kitchen and Mrs Bonsall to Llanberis in north Wales. Whilst there, 6 of the older boys had achieved the distinction of reaching the summit Of Snowden.
Although Mr. Truman would be missed at Biggin, everyone wished him every success in his new post as headmaster at Hathersage School.
Sandra Currington and Louise Hitchen presented Mr. Truman with his gift of a ceramic grey wagtail, whilst Lisa Webster and Mary Watson presented Mrs. Truman with flowers. Mr. Truman said that the wagtail would always remind him of Biggin arid he thanked everyone for the help and support he had received during his time at the school. He said that he was looking forward to – the challenge of his new job, but was sorry to be leaving.
On Friday, 30th April the School said, ’’Thank you’’ to Mrs. P. Broomhead, who had served as General Kitchen Assistant for 21 years. Mrs. H. Mirtle, acting head teacher, paid tribute
to the splendid teamwork of that department of the school, in
which Mrs. Broomhead had played an important part. Simon Prince and Andrew Ball presented Mrs. Broomhead with a carriage clock, Lisa Webster and Louise Hitchen with a spray of flowers, and Sandra Currington handed to her an autographed photo of the staff and pupils on the occasion that Inspector. Burlin visited the school.
In spite of the inclement weather, the School Bazaar held on May 22nd raised £176.33 for P.T.A. funds.
Seventy-two race—hardened bike riders will, pass through Hartington at noon, racing on to Newhaven at about 12.14 p.m. on Sunday, 30th May. This particular stage starts at Stoke (11 a.m.) and covers 65.8 miles to Sandiacre, arriving at about 1.40 p.m. The approach to Hartington is via Onecote, War slow and Hulme End.
All services use the Book of Common Prayer (1662), except where stated. As agreed by Hartington PCC in 1981, between Easter and November, Morning Prayer (Matins) will be on the Sunday when there is Evening 6’ommunion, the latter being according to the Alternative Services Book (ASB). Please note that the service of Holy Communion at Biggin in June will be held on the 13th.
In connection with the Derby Ruanda Weekend, the missionary speaker at Hartington at l0 a.m. and at Biggin at 11 a.m. on June 13th will be Mr. Oswald Post, Travelling Secretary of the Ruanda Mission CMS for the North of England and Wales.
At the Songs of Praise at Biggin on June 20th at 6 p.m. the soloist will be Mrs Avril Green, soprano, of Birmingham. A cup of tea and biscuits will be served following the service. Choices of hymns should be given to the Vicar or Wardens.
St. Thomas’ Church Summer Fair will be held at Biggin School on Saturday, 17th July at 2.30 pm
The Dedication of the Church Gates at Biggin Parish Church, given in memory of the late Daniel Bradbury, will take place following the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, 4th July.
A Festival of Flowers will be held, at St. John’s Church, Buxton from June 24th to 28th. Church open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.