News & Views - September 1980 - Issue 16
Dear Friends,
This month’s cover picture and text draw our attention to Gift Day, this will be on Sunday, 14th September and full details of times of services will be found on the back cover. Every home should have received a gift envelope and further supplies are available in church. Gifts may be placed on the collection plate at any service or handed to a church member or newsletter visitor. The extent of parish financial needs was adequately dealt with last month, so I will not labour the point that generous, realistic giving is required if we are to pay our way this year.
Judging by the number of activities planned for Hartington Jakes – also listed on the back cover – I think I detect a revival of interest in this annual event. Please encourage the organisers by joining in as many efforts as possible. It is beneficial for us as a community to get together whenever we can.
The Harvest Festival-season begins at the end of the month end gifts of flowers and produce will be most welcome, as well as personal help in decorating the churches. Harvest for the Hungry envelopes will again be available in church for those who wish to use this time of thanksgiving, as an opportunity of sharing with those in other lands, for whom an abundant harvest is a forlorn hope.
When the Editorial Committee met to plan this issue of News and Views, we were reminded that our newsletter is now two years of age. During that period of time, sixteen issues have been produced. As editor, I would like to thank all who have given such tremendous help, the committee, contributors, distributors and Trevor and Joy Stone for their work on the covers. We have been greatly encouraged by frequent words of appreciation from our readers. Whilst no charge has been made for the newsletter, the occasional donation has helped to keep down production costs. If others would like to show their appreciation in a practical way, maybe they could add a little extra to their gift-on-Gift Day.
Yours sincerely,
Douglas Gibson
letters to the editor
Biggin War Memorial
How pleased I was to see how tidy the War Memorial had been made by two young ladies in the village; all the weeds had gone and the leaves had been brushed up.
What a fine example to set to the village; without asking and without pay. Thank you, Sarah and Sandra Currington.
A grateful rate-payer
‘When my niece Jessie Prince visits Lymm, she brings the newsletter. I find it so interesting, since I have had quite a few holidays in your lovely village of Biggin. I love to read about things happening, especially in your church life. Like many of you I did miss the friendly church clock and am so pleased it is once more in action.
While I am writing I would like to thank all those who so kindly said prayers for my recovery after nineteen weeks in hospital. I am grateful to everyone, especially the Rev. D. and Mrs Gibson, for their remembrance and I do feel our Heavenly Father answered these prayers.
In my quiet moments I think of you all as you worship in your lovely church. What a privilege – and I do pray that more people in Biggin may make the effort to go.
I hope to pay another visit this year, though at the moment my walking is only with the help of a walking aid and I am not as strong as I would like to be. I often think of Gwen’s little shop and picture you all surrounded with the hills and stone walls.
May God bless you all, Sincerely, Ethel Phillips, Lymm, Cheshire
Welldressing preparations have already begun in the old Meth— -odist chapel, by kind invitation of Annabel Kerr. Anyone who would like to press flower petals or who can offer flowers will be most welcome. Proceeds will be for Cancer Research the Fellowship Group will meet on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. this session. Visitors are welcome at the Vicarage where we meet.
WAKES diary:
- 13th 2.30 p.m. Oddfellows Club service in St. Giles’
3.00 p.m. Welldressing service at Village Pump Sun. 14th Gift day at St. Giles’; Preacher at 7»3O p.m.
Canon G. Griffith, Vicar of Chapel-en-le-Frith
Mon. 15th Car Rally leaving Devonshire Arms at 6 p.m.
Wed. 17th Tug-of-War on Village Green at 7.30 p.m.
Pri. 19th Fancy Dress Disco at Devonshire Arms, 8 p.m.
Sat. 20th Hartington Sports at Newhaven, 10.30 a.m.
8 p.m. Wakes Dance, Village Hall, Music by ABC 3 Canon Geoffrey Griffith will also preach at the Gift Service at St. Thornys’ Biggin on Sunday, 14th September at 6 p.m. , when the Warslow Band will accompany the singing.
Following the Harvest Services, Sales will be held on the Monday evenings at 7*30 in the chapel and the schools.
St. Giles’ Autumn Fair will take place in Hartington School on Saturday, 25th October at 2.30 p.m. Goods and help appreciated.