News & Views - Easter 1979 - Issue 6
Dear Friends,
Once again, thanks to the efforts of the Editorial Committee and various contributors, we are able to produce a larger edition of News and Views. One member of the Committee thought that an Easter issue called for a reminder about coming to church. The Prayer Book states that “every Parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the year, of which Easter to be one”, I always think of that as the legal minimum; I would rather encourage people to aim at what has been called “the loving maximum”. Someone has remarked that “If absence made the heart grow fonder, a lot of people would really love their churches!! Details of Easter services will be found on the back page.
A big “Thank you” to all who supported the Coffee Evening. It was a very happy occasion and raised £160.18 for church funds. The Historical Exhibition of Local Industries and Crafts will be held in Hartington Church from May 25th to 29th. The church will he open each day between 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. We would like to include some of the old housecrafts such as tatting. The closing date for all exhibits is May 11th
The death of Herbert Ellis occurred in Dorset on Sunday, 18th March . He was 90 years of age and served on the P.C.C. at St. Giles from l940, being churchwarden for several years commencing 1951 To all Who have suffered recent bereavements, we extend our sympathy and assure them of our prayers.
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of the Church of England Children’ s Society I would like to thank everyone who contributed in the recent door-to-door collection. The total sum raised was £39.41. A number of people in Hartington have collecting boxes in their homes and a further sum of £26.25 was raised in this way.
The money will be used in the running of residential homes, and in numerous other ways to help children who for some reason or other are in desperate need. It costs over £5 million each year to support all the work of the Society, and I am sure that everyone who gave will feel pleasure in knowing that their contribution, however small the sum, will help towards this work with children.
Joy Stone
I would like to write about the postal service that existed in Hartington when I came to live here in 1918. The Post Office was situated at the sido of the duck pond. It was kept by Mrs. Sutton and the telephone was in a room at the back. There was no kiosk in those days.
The mail bag arrived by train from Buxton and was met by Mr. Frank Peach with horse and trap. I remember one occasion, when walking up to the station to catch this train, that on reaching Long Dale End, I found that I had forgotten my purse. I had to walk hack to my grandmother’s at Wallpits, where I then lived. As I came back down Dig Street, Mr. Peach was just starting out, so I asked him if I might ride with him.
He said, “Jump in”, and off we went. We arrived at the station just as the train came steaming in. As I alighted, I saw that one of his wheels was tied on with a piece of rope It did not trouble me much in those days, since I was only too pleased to have caught the train. Later on, Mr. Herbert Birch of Digmer Farm collected the mail bag in his Ford motor car.
The letters for seven postal rounds were all sorted at the Post Office. Mr. Joseph Sutton, who lived at Arbour Head, took all the letters to Warslow, leaving the letters for Hulme End at Mrs. Howson’s on his way. She distributed these around that district.
Mr. Prince delivered the letters round Sheen having walked down to Hartington to collect them. Mrs. Frank Sutton went round Beresford Dale, starting at Bridge End Fam and finishing at the Whim Farm.
Mr. Robert Kavanagh delivered those round Pilsbury and Parsley Hay, returning via Leanlow and Moor Fam, whilst Mr. Thomas Kavanagh went round Biggin and district. Mr. Wagstaff was responsible for Heathcote, Hartington Station and Friden districts. Miss Bessie Sutton was the Hartington village delivery woman. Mr. T, Kavanagh had also to collect the mail in the afternoon from the letter boxes at Heathcote and Biggin and bring them down to Hartington to be taken first by Mr. Peach and later by Mr. Birch to meet the 4.45 p.m at Hartington Station. The Post Office was later transferred to where Mr, Sear’s shop now stands.
It was noon, but as dark as if it was midnight……….. frightening really,…… and outside the Jerusalem city Wall the Roman soldiers had been busy, watched by crowds of people, as they hammered away, nailing three men to crosses and hoisting them high on the hilltop. The cries had been awful to hear. Of course, those two : robbers, they deserved what they got, but that man in the middle had done such lots of good things, made people well and things like that…….. but he had his enemies – the Pharisees and other so-called clever and religious people, they were jealous and told lies about him. Pilate didn’t really believe them, but he did want everything in his district to be peaceful and quiet.
- I
But look, the man in the middle isn’t cursing and swearing like one of the robbers. He’s talking, – “father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing”.
A few more hours of suffering and then with a cry of triumph, “It is finished”, he died.
The picture on the cover of this issue of News and. Views reminds us of that first Good Friday – the day that changed history, when a man Jesus died on a Cross, plead— -ing for forgiveness for the world. It also reminds us that on the following Sunday he came alive again. The Words quoted from St. Mark 16: 6,7 are those of the angel who spoke to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary and told them to tell the wonderful news to Peter and the other disciples.
They in turn accepted the command to “Go and tell” — an instruction which followers of Jesus Christ have continued to obey ever since, bringing Good News to all who will accept it in a world which wants to go its own way without God.
Those who accept the risen J esus Christ as conqueror of sin and death and as their Saviour from the power of sin, experience in increasing measure that great love which he showed for every man, woman, boy and girl that first Good Friday.
A Grateful Christian
The funeral of Mr John Beetham took place at St. Giles, Hartington on Monday, 2nd April. A former choir member, he died aged 80 years at Dower House, Rolleston near Burton-on-Trent, A fewdays earlier, our Editorial Committee had met and Mrs Mary Stubbs of Biggin had
brought along a copy of the Derbyshire Advertiser for 28th December 1917 containing-the following account:-
A concert was given in Hartington schoolroom on Friday the 14th inst. on behalf of the boys at the front, whose hearts will be cheered by the receipt of 10s. each and the knowledge
that they are not forgotten by the warm-hearted friends they have left at home. The ladies at Hartington have, from the first, taken a keen interest in the welfare of the boys who have gone out of the village, and have sent them many useful parcels of clothing and cash. The recent efforts and self-sacrifice of these ladies have met with a ready response throughout the village and district. Each 10s. note sent out was accompanied by a cheering letter and hopes for a speedy and safe return home of the recipient
The programme of the concert included the following items The song, “When you come home, soldier lad”, was perfectly rendered by Miss Ada Peach. the sketch, “Mixed Pickles” was cleverly performed by Miss A. Peach, Miss E. Beetham, and the Misses Nellie and Bessie Broomhead. The song, “Until” was nicely rendered by Mrs.J.W.Bassett. The church choir gave several glees etc. which were well received. A cornet solo by Mr. John Beetham was cleverly performed. The sketch, “Doing Our Bit”, was given by Miss Eva Beetham, Miss A. Peach, the Misses Broomhead, Miss Susan Flower and Miss Cook. The duet, “Tell her I love her so”, was rendered by Mrs. J.W. Bassett and Miss A. Peach. A musical sketch by school girls, and a very clever performance on the piano and violin by the Misses Dora, Kate, and Nell Oliver, were enthusiastically applauded . Miss Edmond undertook the arduous duties of piano-forte accompanist, and performed them with tact and ability . Owing to the large number of people being unable to gain admission, the concert was repeated on the following Thursday, and again there was a full house.
I myself delivered let tears round the village for eight years from 1929 to 1937. My weekly wage was seven shillings and ninepence per week, out of which I had to buy my insurance stamp, and I was not allowed any holidays.
- Shirley
Hartington |
Biggin |
Methodist Church |
1,5 th . |
8, 10 & 7.30 |
11 & 6 |
2.30 |
22nd . |
8, 10 & 7.30 |
2.30 FS |
29th . |
8, 10 & 7.30 |
6 |
.2.30 |
6 th . |
8, 10 & 7.30 |
11 & & |
3 th |
8, 10 & 7.30 |
6 |
2.30 |
• /20 th . |
8, 10 & 7.30 |
2.30 |
’ 27th . |
8, 10 & 7.30 . |
6 |
2.30 |
Good Eriday services on April 13th will be held at Biggin at 6 p. m. and Hartington at 7.30 p.m. when a series of coloured slides entitled “The Message of the Cross” will be shown. A special Service of dedication for the Backpacker’s Club will be held at St. Giles on Sunday, 13th May at 10 a. m. Granada Television has been busy filming recently at Wolfscofe Grange and Rock Cottage. “The Mallens”, a drama series iased on a book by romantic novelist Catherine Cookson, is dueto be screened in June.
The first ever National Schizophrenia Day is being planned for Tuesday, 22nd May 1979.