membering and Looking Ahead
As I write this, it is about the middle of November – distinctly Autumn although there are still a few late leaves falling. There’s a poignancy about this season, a sense of the year ageing and things passing away. I always think that this feeling is first vaguely discernable in the early days of September when we know the Summer is over because the children are returning to school and there’s sometimes a hint of sharpness in the air early in the morning.
Perhaps it’s this poignancy linked to the visible fading of the year that has given rise to the custom of remembering at this season. In the Church’s year, the 1st of November is All Saints’ Day – we remember the witness of the lives of the Saints and recall that some were martyred for the faith (and some Christians still are). This is followed by All Souls’ Day when many Churches provide the opportunity for their people to remember those who are dear to them but have departed this life. We shall have a special service for All Souls’ next year at which the names of those who are to be remembered will be read out and those who mourn them can light a candle, if they wish.
November 5th, a secular event, urges us to remember “gunpowder, treason and plot” which should “ never be forgot”. There’s certainly some truth in the saying that a people that forgets its history is doomed to repeat it – but Guy Fawkes recedes further into the past with every year.
It was appropriate that the relatively modern institutions of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday should have become established in this season. I thought of my grandfathers in the First World War and the great uncle, Charles, a fine horseman, whom of course I never knew, who died, dismounted, in the hail of machine-gun bullets at Gallipoli. I thought of my late father, a pilot in the last World War. I polished his medals but didn’t quite wear them, in the end (as one can do, on the “wrong” chest, of course). I did, however, arrange to retrieve his ashes from the undertaker’s – where they’ve been on a shelf for the last six or seven years. An act of remembrance indeed!
We look ahead now to the “deep midwinter” and, almost in the very moment of the dying of the year, we may find our hearts warmed again by the golden glow from the stable at Bethlehem. In the Christ Child, Our Father in Heaven himself whispers to you and me, “It is I – be not afraid”.
May God bless you and those you love this Christmas,
Richard Benson,
BIGGHARTS- Sports Hall Athletics- November 13th
The following children represented Hartington and Biggin as BiggHarts at this event- James Galloway Booth, Oliver McCurrach, Ruby Smith, Amy Freeman, George Wigman, Tom Wager. Despite being so few compared with the other schools they worked, as always, very hard and enjoyed themselves.
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Come and share in the festive season experience at The Jug & Glass Inn.
Sample our delicious Christmas menu then relax in front of the open fire with a warm glass of mulled wine.
Bookings now being taken.Tel: 01298 84848
GOOD NEWS– Janet would like to “resurrect the “Singing Group” as a Church Choir. It is hoped to be up and “Singing” before Christmas- so If you are interested Please give Janet a ring: 01298 687329
Manifold Valley Bygones Group– based in Hartington Royal British Legion- December 14th
A “LIGHT-UP” on the Village Green will be held mid-afternoon to late evening, with stalls and carol singing. The village Christmas tree lights will also be switched on at 6pm. All welcome.
Christmas Trees in Hartington Village Hall Friday, 20th December 6pm; Saturday 21st 11-3pm
On the Friday evening:- Village Community night – there will be a wonderful display of 17 “theme decorated” Christmas Tree’s, which have been provided by the groups/businesses in the village -Carol Singing; Mince Pies; Mulled Wine; Christmas raffle, visit from Father Christmas, and a special Christmas presentation by the young people of Hartington. Please come and support this event which is for everyone, funds raised will be for the Village Hall
“Come a Carolling” – Yes it’s that time of year again! Come and join us at the village hall on FRIDAY 20th 6PM, collect a carol sheet and ready yourselves for a “ Winter Wander” around the village, a’ carolling as we go. Please bring a torch or lantern and wear “high vis” clothing. On our return to the village hall for mulled wine and mince pies we shall sing a little more. Please come along and bring the family. If you can’t make it for 6pm we will be back in the village hall around 7.15pm so please come and join us then
“Carols by Candle-light” – our candle-light service, led by Canon Martin Collins, will be at 6.30pm on Sunday 22nd December in St Giles Church. Everyone welcome
A BIG THANK YOU– to everyone who helped at the “Church Clean- Up Day”. Despite the weather a very determined and stalwart group of people turned out to help and make a difference to our church, especially the Vicar, who got the really mucky job of doing the gullies!! Next date- April 12th 2014. PS- Thank you Debbie for the photo’s of the team- the dirt does not show up too much! (they are on view in Church porch)
Christmas Eve Crib Service– 4pm in Church- Come and share in the wonderful story of Christmas. The start of “Christmas proper”- for all that want to share in that special birthday.
Thank You- A sincere thank you to our family and friends for the lovely cards and good wishes on out sixtieth wedding anniversary Gordon and Jean
Scouts Victorious at County Rampage – On Sunday September 28th at Drum Hill, Derby the following 4 boys represented Biggin and Hartington Scouts in this event- Sam Blackhurst, Jim Bunting, Chris and Dennis Maltby. This involved a range of activities including, mountain-biking, archery, canon race, fire-lighting and pioneer bridge building. Scout companies from all over Derbyshire enter teams ( all of 6 scouts- except for These 4) and yet they scored the most points overall to be crowned winner- well done to them all and to the leaders, Alan, Colin and Jill for all their training and hard work
Harvest Festival- October 6th The church was so beautifully decorated and the children’s display this time was quite amazing and a source of admiration and wonder. The village business contributions were again outstanding and combined with the communities gifts, 41 beautiful boxes were created and displayed in the chancel. The service was well attended and the boxes distributed by the PCC on Monday. Several letters of thanks have been received from recipients. Liz Broomhead
L’Eroica– meeting October 17th Charles Cotton All the local businesses were invited to a presentation of this event by Derbyshire Dales and Peak Park at the Charles Cotton. This international cycle event will take please in the Derbyshire Dales for the first time in 2014- June 20-22nd. Hartington will be a major food stop and will bring many opportunities to the community both for the business and community. See these links to get more information –
L’Eroica– International Vintage Cycle race through Hartington June 20-22nd 2014 Following the presentations to local businesses in The Charles Cotton on 17th October, There will be a meeting for the Village Community and Businesses – 7pm on January 6th at the YHA. Invitations will be sent but all welcome
Defibrillator installed at the Charles Cotton Hotel- October 25th Through the kind donations of Mrs Mycock (Alstonfield), Parish Council and the BHF a defibrillator has now been installed at the reception, Charles Cotton Hotel. The Chair of the Parish Council, Mr David Annat, thanked all those involved:- Mrs Mycock, Mr Dave McIvor (East Midlands Ambulance Service-EMAS) who provided the training for the local community, Hartington Surgery, Mr John Dean and the Charles Cotton for agreeing to host the defibrillator and ensuring access 24/7. We are also grateful to Mr Trevor Wragg who has donated £100 towards the purchase of replacement pads .There are several notices around the village signposting people to this life saving equipment. Please remember that if you need to access it RING 999 first to alert the Ambulance service who will send an ambulance out as well as talk you through the use of the equipment. Liz Broomhead
“Last Night at the Proms” – Village Hall –November 8th –in aid of “Battleback”
What a night to remember for Remembrance weekend- an audience in good voice enjoyed an amazing programme of wonderful melodies played so brilliantly. Those who missed this evening really did miss a great occasion. A big thank you to Jen and Harold and their helpers from the British Legion for the provision of the bar, and the many people who donated raffle prizes, so many that they will be carried over to the 21st December. The generosity of those who attended raised a magnificent sum of £483. The fund- raising for this great cause will continue right though to the Candle-light Carol Service in the British Legion on December 21st.
Remembrance Draw– for a weekend in a holiday cottage in Anglesey. The fund raising for the Royal British Legion Battleback Centre, at Lilleshall, continues in the form of a sweepstake, which can be found at the legion club house. All you have to do is pop into the Club, part with £5 select a square and write your name/ contact details in it EASY! The draw will take place on Sunday 22nd December, after the candlelight Carols, where we shall also hold a fund raising raffle with some great prizes. Good Luck, please support, remember “they gave” and we can give something back by doing this. Thank You
Remembrance Service– November 10th This must rank amongst the best attended and conducted service for many years. The weather was perfect; the dignity of the ceremony was reflected in all who attended from every aspect of the community, young and old. Our thanks to all who made the event such a success, especially Geoff Goodwin with his moving contribution and Jen and Harold at the Royal British Legion.
Hartington School This term has been very busy with many exciting events for the children to enjoy and learn from. On 26th October the PTA, primarily Anne Stubbs, Linda Wright and Rachel Mellor organised an excellent Halloween Party which was enjoyed by all. The school continues to work closely with the Peak Park Ranger- Rose Clarke, by conducting 2 National Surveys; the Opal Tree Survey to identify Ash Trees in danger and the Climate Survey in conjunction with Biggin School. On Friday 15th November the children will be raising funds for “Children in Need”, where Mrs Rachel Mellor has volunteered to have Cream Pies thrown at her for the sum of £1. I am sure you will be queuing up!! On November 28th the whole school will go to Chatsworth to present their own Nativity play. Again with Biggin school, on December 11th, they will be working with the Working spaces theatre and “Snow Queen”. On the 12th December, the Children will present their Nativity in Church at 6pm followed by a “Pea and Pie” supper at school. The pantomime at Buxton will be visited on the 18th with the wonderful Christmas lunch for governors and friends of the school on the 19th Stay and Play will be invited to join the children for the Christmas Party and visit from Father Christmas on the last day, December 20th
Tracy Blackwell
Hartington PTA-now called Parents, Teachers and Friends Association- PTFA – The AGM was held at the Devonshire Arms on November 13th. The elections were confirmed as Chair –Mrs Linda Wright, Vice Chair- Mrs Rachel Mellor, Secretary- Mrs Holly Blackwell and Treasurer –Mrs Kerry Wager. They are busy with plans for Children in Need as well as the Pea and Pie supper after the Nativity on December 12th.
Children in Need– 15th November Hartington School and the PTA put on a great day of activities to raise money for this cause. The hero of the day –Mrs Rachel Mellor- who received many Cream pies “in the face” –at a price- the cakes disappeared like ……”hot cakes” and the grand total of over a £100 was raised- Well done everyone
Village Trail– There has been some excellent feedback from the many visitors who have used the leaflets as well as taking reference from the panel by the pond. The first batch of 5,000 copies have now been used and a new order will be here by the end of November . Thank you to all the businesses who are promoting this project. Liz Broomhead
Countryside Alliance Award Hartington Post Office has been nominated for the above award. Sue will know at the end of February if she will in the final to be held at the House of Lords in April. Well done Sue- Watch this space for further news
Leader Project Sue, our post mistress, once again joined other people from small business’ in our area for a visit to Finland to see how their business’ were helped by the leader project in their country. We had a very full programme visiting lots of places, for example, a Flour Mill, Ice cream maker, Dairy Farm, a Stud Farm, which included a lunch of Horse Meat followed by Mare Milk Ice cream. We visited a school and a college to experience their education system which was very good. They provide free school meals throughout their educational programme, including FE and HE. We stayed on a rare breeds farm in a remote area and were joined by a group from Sweden who we visited in April. It was a very interesting experience for all of us.
Sue Bruce
British Legion Events– for December and January 1st Dec: Quiz;
7th Dec: Darts & Dominoes – Open to everyone; 15th Dec: Christmas Bingo; 22nd Dec: Carols by Candlelight plus Christmas Draw
5th Jan: New Year Quiz
St Giles Church- Union Jack & St Georges Flag– Some recent history- Sally Gullane (nee- Shirley) who many of the older residents of the village will remember, contacted me to share some memories she had of the flags which fly on our church on special occasions. In 1993 Mollie Glossop (nee Shirley) Sally’s sister, purchased 2 flags to be flown on the tower of our Church. A Union Jack- in memory of her husband Councillor Fred Glossop, and the St Georges Flag in the memory of Sally’s husband Luke Gullane – known as “Geordie”. For 2 years, before his death, Mr Bob Woodruff (who was known as the Flag man) would be responsible for raising the flags on the appropriate dates. Sally was so pleased to see the Union Flag flying after the Remembrance weekend. Having spoken with Belle Kerr as the secretary of the PCC she was able to share more information. In 2006 Mrs Kerr with Mrs Mollatt commissioned a new St Georges Flag in memory of her 2 brothers who had died the year before. These were raised by Mr Des Gee.
Liz Broomhead
Village Hall News After many years of faithful service, Lesley Veit has retired from the Village Hall Committee. However, although no longer a Trustee, Lesley has kindly offered to remain as a volunteer to meet & greet hirers of the hall. On behalf of the Village Hall Committee & the village, I would like to thank Lesley, and Barry, for all their hardwork and dedication in ensuring the smooth running of the Village Hall.
Lesley’s retirement brings a change in the make up of the Committee: Mick Parsons is now the Chairman; Garry Booth has joined the committee as Treasurer; and Janet Bray is the Secretary. Also on the Committee is Ian Parsons (Trustee), Jack Webster (Trustee), Alan Grindey (Parish Council rep. – non Trustee) & Clare Morson (Booking Secretary – non Trustee).
In addition, Sue Bamber will be retiring as the Cleaner, as from 30th November 2013, after 5 years of keeping our hall spotless. We wish Sue all the best for the future. As yet, the role of Cleaner remains vacant.
As some of you may be aware, sadly Age UK had had to close their day service on Fridays in the hall. This was due to dwindling numbers of users. The remaining users are now attending the service in Bakewell.
A small group of volunteers have been looking at how to ensure that the Village Hall is sustainable and well used. Part of this has been to revamp our marketing and to consolidate current regular events & activities in the hall and to promote new ones. The Christmas Tree Festival & Carol Singing is one such event and we are hoping to offer films again in the Village Hall early in the new year – watch out for the posters. If you wish to hire the Village Hall, please contact Clare on Tel. 07517220972 or email
And finally, due to rising fuel & utilities costs, we have unfortunately had to increase our hire charges from January 2014. However, we still remain a competitively priced venue, especially for local hirers. Contact Clare or check the Village Hall notice board for details of the new charges.
Janet Bray
Chris Smith
Construction & Joinery
All forms of property maintenance and construction.
Tel: 01298 687087 or 07585808652.
The parish of Hartington Nether Quarter is presently going through the process of trying to obtain a life-saving Defibrillator to be placed in Biggin. As part of the process, Hartington Nether Quarter Parish Council is trying to establish a record of residents who have already been trained in the use of a defibrillator. If you reside in Biggin and have been trained to use a defibrillator please would you contact Mrs J Brindley on (01298) 84244 to provide details. Thank you Mrs S Hampson Clerk to Hartington Nether Quarter Parish Council
Macmillan Coffee Morning Many, many thanks to everyone who helped us raise £390.70p for Macmillan at our Coffee Morning on September 27th. See you all again next year. Jen and Thelma
Harvest and Harvest Supper St Thomas was decorated beautifully for Harvest. The School children had their own service on the Friday and all their beautifully decorated boxes were arranged in front of the altar. Sunday Service followed then the Harvest Supper on the Tuesday. This was, as usual a great success with the sum of £488.50p being raised. Many thanks to all who contributed by making the pies and providing cheese and biscuits etc and to the Waterloo Inn for providing the liquid refreshments.
D Brindley
Biggin School Harvest – Many thanks to all the school children for a super display in church and for our lovely basket of fruit and vegetables . Jen and David Brindley
Carol Service The Church Carol Service will take place on Sunday 15th December at 2pm Mulled Wine and Mince pies will be served afterwards and we look forward to having a full house as usual Biggin PCC
Biggin WI Several members attended the Autumn Group Meeting at Taddington, when the guest speaker for the evening was Dorothy Whittaker, the founder of the Valley CIDS Lighthouse Charity Shops, a Christian based Charity with 26 shops across the region and also the Salt Box Cafe in Swanwick. Set up 14 years ago to support young people, with dedicated people helping to run after school and breakfast clubs plus their latest project, a 48 acre farm. The charity goes from strength to strength. This was followed by a musical quiz and keyboard entertainment by Phil Heyworth. The speaker at our October meeting was talented wild life photographer, Ruth Downing. She showed us amazing and original photographs of all manner of domestic animals and birds of prey. The November meeting will be the AGM. Jen Brindley
Can you spare a few hours a month to help run one of Biggin’s most beautiful buildings? It will only take a few hours a month of your time, at a time that suits you. You will be helping to preserve a valuable asset in the community. Only 3 short meetings a year to attend, if you are able to. It will make you feel good. Have you guessed what it is yet? We need a Treasurer for St Thomas’s Church. Please give this some thought and if you can help call Thelma Pegg (687150) or Debbie King (84709) PS. You don’t need to be a churchgoer – just someone who cares….
Red frog Fashions Charity Fashion Show at Biggin village hall on Tuesday the 11th February 2014 from 7.00 pm. All funds raised will go to Women v Cancer. Entrance £3.00 per person and tickets can be purchased from Sandra on 84434.
Biggin FC-Would like to thank all the players and supporters for making our season another successful one. We won the Constellation Cup and finished 6th in the league. We held our presentation evening on November 1st; the prizes awarded were as follows: Most Man of the Matches- Stuart Frith; Most goals scored- jointly by Josh Critchlow and Steven Atkinson; Supporters Player- Paul Williams; Managers Player- Josh Critchlow; Clubman was Dan Thorpe; Players player was Paul Williams. WE all had and enjoyable evening at Bentley Brook a special thank you to Brian Coles for presenting the trophies and Matt Critchlow for the speeches. Training for the new season will begin in February, we always welcome new members to come and join us. For more information contact Kim or Chris on 01298 84642
Biggin Church- Parochial Church Council Appeal– Christmas is upon us, so please think of giving an extra gift to the village church to help with the expense of the running costs. With this News and Views you will find a Christmas Gift Card for your donation and message, perhaps of a family event- Wedding, Christening, Anniversary; thinking of someone or simply just you. May we suggest a gift of £2 or more? These cards can be handed to Kay (Main Street) or Rita (Drury Lane) or any other PCC member. You can also bring to the Carol Service on 15th December at 2pm. All cards will be displayed in Church over Christmas.
We now have the result of the Flower Festival, final total £1031.00, a balance sheet is now on the Church Notice Board, Thank You to late donations to the fund from Mrs A Campeau and Mrs D Naylor
The Harvest Sale produced £126.00 including donations from Mrs D Naylor and Mr H Hodgkinson.
By the time News and Views are out, it will be time for our Christmas Market, Friday, 29th November, in Church. 2.00pm till 5.30pm, with Table Tops available, Stalls of Homemade Goodies, Hand -made crafts, Christmas gifts, Tombola, Raffle and refreshments.
Bingo continues on the 1st Wednesday of each month and is going well, the next one will be on December 4th in Church at 7.30 p.m. Christmas Carol Service in Church on Tuesday December 17th.
We are again looking for help with the distribution of our News and Views, as Howard has now finished, our thanks to him over the last months.
Handyman Services
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Christmas 2013 at
The Village Stores Hartington
Call into the shop to see what we have in store this Christmas including
- A Wide Range of Festive Fresh Meats
- Beers, Wines and Spirits including – Local Beers from Thornbridge, Ports, Whiskies, Champagne and Prosecco
- Locally made Pies and Savouries
- Mince Pies and Christmas Puddings
- Holly Wreaths
- Christmas Hampers
- A Great Selection of Christmas Essentials and Speciality Goods
Pop in to see our range of Christmas gifts and foods and to pick up your pre-order form.
Forms will be available from late November
The Village Stores, Market Place, Hartington,
SK17 0AL
01298 84222
Services for Sundays and other Major Festivals
Date |
Biggin |
Earl Sterndale |
Hartington |
Readings |
November 24th Christ the King (Red / White) |
10.00 am Holy Communion |
Jeremiah 23 : 1 – 6 Luke 23 : 33 – 43 |
December 1st Advent Sunday (Purple) |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
8.00 am 1662 Holy Communion |
Isaiah 2 : 1 – 5 Matthew 24 : 36 – 44 |
December 8th Advent 2 (Purple) |
10.00 am Holy Communion |
Isaiah 11 : 1 – 10 Matthew 3 : 1 – 12 |
December 15th Advent 3 (Purple) |
2.00 pm Carol Service |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
10.00 am Family Service |
Isaiah 35 : 1 – 10 Matthew 11 : 2 – 11 |
December 22nd Advent 4 (Purple) |
6.30 pm Carol Service |
Isaiah 7 : 10 – 16 Matthew 1 : 18 – end |
December 24th Christmas Eve (White / Gold) |
4.00 pm Crib Service 11.30 pm Midnight Mass |
Isaiah 9 : 2 – 7 Luke 2 : 1 – 14 (15 – 20) |
December 25th Christmas Day (White / Gold) |
11.15 am Christmas Service |
11.00 am Holy Communion |
9.30 am Christmas service |
Isaiah 52 : 7 – 10 John 1 : 1 – 14 |
December 29th Christmas 1 (White) |
See Biggin |
See Biggin |
Isaiah 63 : 7 – 9 Matthew 2 : 13 – end |
January 5th The Epiphany (Gold / White) |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
8.00 am 1662 Holy Communion |
1st Epistle of John 3 : 22 – 4 : 6 Matthew 4 : 12 – 17; 23 – end
January 12th The Baptism of Christ (White / Gold) |
10.00 am Holy Communion |
Isaiah 42 : 1 – 9 Matthew 3 : 13 – end |
January 19th Epiphany 2 (White) |
11.15 am Morning Worship |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
10.00 am Family Service |
Isaiah 49 : 1 – 7 John 1 : 29 – 42 |
January 26th Epiphany 3 (White) |
10.00 am Holy Communion |
Isaiah 9 : 1 – 4 Matthew 4 : 12 – 23 |
February 2nd The Presentation (Candlemas) (Gold / White) |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
11.15 am Holy Communion |
8.00 am 1662 Holy Communion |
Malachi 3 : 1 – 5 Luke 2 : 22 – 40 |
White Peak Group Registers
2nd November Kathryn Peach and Edward Liddiard Chelmorton
Funerals :
15th October Frank Belfield Monyash
18th October Stephen Melland Earl Sterndale
21st October Marion Etches Earl Sterndale
Renew your Car Tax, 0% on Foreign Currency
Pay your Electric, Phone, Council Tax, Rent
and most other Bills
Make free cash withdrawals and cash for deposit- CO-OP, BARCLAYS; ALLIANCE AND LEICESTER; YORSHIRE AND SMART
Also Free to use ATM machine
Anyone with any questions or problems
please see Sue at the Post Office as she
will be pleased to help
Gap Farm Shop &
Village Store
Situated on Leek Road in Warslow village, lookout for the signage.
Free Range Eggs
Dairy Products
Bread, Pies & Cakes
Locally Produced & Sourced Meats
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Sweets/ Ice Cream/General Groceries.
Wednesday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
Saturday 9.30am – 5pm
Sunday 9.30am – 4pm
Closed from Dec 23rd Re-opening 2nd Jan
Tel: 01298 84820
We would like to thank the following who have sponsored the 2013 issues:
Charles Cotton Hotel Devonshire Arms Cheese Shop Dauphin Antiques L & R Gregory, Bridge End, Farm Anna & Laura Heeley, Emma Doak (Village Stores Hartington) |
84229 84232 84935 687149
84222 |
Waterloo Inn, Biggin The Rook Biggin Hall Country Hotel Beresford Tea Rooms Hartdale Motors Ltd The Kings, Ivy House A&S.PEACH Newsagent & General Store “Curtain Call” Drama Group, Hartington. |
84284 84745 84451 84418 84322 84709 84291 84634 |
We also wish to thank Hartington Hall YHA who allow the photocopying of the News and Views to be done on their premises free of charge
PLEASE EMAIL, WHERE POSSIBLE, ITEMS FOR THE NEXT ISSUE BY Jan 15th to or give to Margaret Partridge or Liz Broomhead.